What is a
Treadmill Exercise Test?
This test is used to diagnose symptoms, to look for evidence of heart disease and sometimes to evaluate fitness. Your ECG including the heart rate, rhythm and ECG waveforms are is continuously monitored, your blood pressure is measured at 3-minute intervals, before, during and after a walk on a treadmill at preprogrammed standardized speeds and inclinations which increase progressively during the test you achieve a target rate or develop a symptom.
What to Expect
All stress tests are supervised by a physician who is on the premises during the procedure and is available to intervene if necessary. You will be asked to sign a consent form. You will be hooked up to an ECG machine using 10 electrodes as described in the 12-Lead ECG section above and you will be asked to walk on a treadmill while technician will stand beside you at all times and monitor your ECG, heart rate and blood pressure. Gradually the speed of the treadmill is increased so you have to walk more quickly. The test continues until you reach your target rate or until you experience a symptom, such as chest pain, shortness of breath or fatigue. Be sure to let someone know if you are feeling any discomfort or other symptoms. The test lasts about 30 minutes.
How to Prepare
Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Do not eat for two hours before the test. If you’re a smoker, you should refrain form smoking for at least two hours before the test.
Continue all of your medications as usual unless otherwise instructed by your doctor or by the office.